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Exclusive Power To Promulgate Rules

Supreme Court of the Philippines Adopts Rules for Protection of Constitutional Rights

Exclusive Power to Promulgate Rules

The Supreme Court of the Philippines has the exclusive authority to create regulations pertaining to the protection and enforcement of constitutional rights. This power is enshrined in the Constitution and grants the Court the responsibility of ensuring that the rights and freedoms guaranteed to Filipino citizens are upheld.

Promulgation of the Rules of Court

In exercise of its exclusive power, the Supreme Court has adopted and promulgated the Rules of Court. These rules provide a comprehensive framework for the protection and enforcement of constitutional rights. They cover a wide range of matters, including the filing of pleadings, the conduct of trials, and the remedies available to individuals whose rights have been violated.

Availability of Legal Resources

The Rules of Court are accessible to the public through the Court's E-Library website, which provides a complete compilation of legal sources, including statutes and jurisprudences. This online resource ensures that individuals and legal professionals have convenient access to the rules that govern the protection of their constitutional rights.
